I was reading an interesting chapter in the book Microtrends by Mark J Penn. It was written in 2007 and it’s spot on for today. He says with use of smart phones, iPads, and laptops, people can live and work virtually anywhere. This is good for the housing market. He defined splitters as “people who own at least two homes and split their time between them for recreation, worklife balance, or to connect with family and friends“
Where snowbirds shift residences once or twice a year at most; splitters go back-and-forth five times or more per year on average and sometimes as often as several times a month.
THEN there are super-splitters! People who divide their time between three or more homes. He said “don’t just think about Oprah or the Kennedys”. In a study done by the National Real Estate Association, it showed that 1/3 of all second home owners would like to purchase a third home in the next two years.
This is great for communities and economies. More income for vacation home builders, furniture companies, also they will put more into the communities than they will take out. They’re not using the schools but they are hiring people to cut the grass, check their homes and maintain their properties.
They are adding jobs and creating new industries.
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