Wednesday, 26 December 2018

The uglier the better, house flipping advice

If you are looking to do a flip or buy a home where you can put in some sweat equity to increase the value of your home, look for one that others may not want. If it’s dirty and tired looking you may get it for a better price. Just make sure it has redeeming qualities and a good location then renovate away! You can actually borrow funds when you initially get your mortgage so that you have the cash to fix it right away.

For more real estate investment education like this, please follow us at
Bryce/Penny Kander
Realty Executives Alberta Elite


Do I really have to check my house when it’s vacant?

I just heard a sad story...
A family had their home for sale and it was vacant. They were not checking it as often as their insurance required. The waterline on the fridge sprung a leak and flooded the kitchen and into the basement. They were not covered by their insurance because they had not been checking regularly but also because I was told by my Insurance Agent that water damage is not covered in a vacant property. Its a good idea to check with your insurance company as to their rules. Whether a home is vacant or even if you are just away for a few days there are certain rules in place as to how often a property has to be checked and it varies with each policy. If your home is vacant its a good idea to put a piece of paper in the home and have whoever is checking it mark down the date and time it was checked. I also take a photo every time I go as they are date stamped in your phone so that will provide proof that you were checking.

Rent is 100% interest only payment!

We meet people who would like to pay cash for their homes. There are a lot of “gurus” out there who talk about saving for seven or eight years and paying cash for your home. BUT if you look closely at their numbers they often live in Texas or somewhere that a really nice house only cost $50,000. I could imagine saving $50,000 but here in Alberta an average house is $250-$300,000 so I think that might be difficult to save. Also, statistically on average house prices go up 7% a year. That means a $300,000 house is moving out of reach at the pace of $21,000 a year. That alone makes it difficult to keep up with your savings program.
Plus we were thinking... people often express concern over how much interest they pay on their house so that’s why they try and save BUT if you’re paying rent right now you are paying in essence 100% interest because 100% of the rent goes to your landlord and 0% goes to you.
From that perspective saving up a decent down payment and purchasing a modest home now and having equity go back in your pocket of $600-$800 a month is wiser than trying to wait until you can pay cash for a home.
PS. Buy a suited property and end up paying less than rent and you will own the home.

Canada winter games Red Deer AirBnB guide!

Canada Winter Games 2019 is just a couple short months away. If you’ve ever wondered what it might be like to AirBnB a room in your house or your whole house this would be a great time to try it. There will be lots of people coming to enjoy the games and our city and need accommodations. If you want to chat more about that feel free to message us. Or just follow the link below to set up your hosting sight. Its fun and easy!


How to rent for free!

There are many ways to LIVE RENT FREE. One of my favorite tenants actually rented a house from me that had five bedrooms. He rented out four bedrooms to other people and lived there for free so he basically paid himself to be the manager of the building. Its a great way to learn to be a landlord and even if you have one room free in a month its still only costing you $500 in rent.

Another way to live for free is to rent a SUITED PROPERTY with a double car garage. You could live in the basement, rent out the upstairs and the garage and live for free or almost free.

You could also do a rent-to-own agreement with someone who has a house for sale that hasn’t sold. Preferably a suited property that you could rent out extra spaces in and live for free.
If you find the right space, you may even be able to have a little extra cash flow every month!

If you would like more information on any of these options feel free to message us. We’d love to show you how...

Monday, 24 December 2018

Pre Christmas poem!

Twas the night before the offer when all through the house

not a creature was sleeping
except for the mouse

Our minds were all spinning after viewing a home

We didn’t want to lose it, could we make it our own?

The numbers were flying from Calculator to paper

To see if this was a great idea or merely a vapor

Then what to my wondering eyes should appear

but a vision of the future and it all came so clear.

That acreage we bought on the edge of the town

would increase in value
it would not go down.

As the future unfolded what did we see?

The value going up not by one or two, but by three.

So remember dear clients
it can feel scary no doubt

But you just never know how great things can turn out!