Are empty rooms a sign that you have too much money?
Maybe the opposite is true.
I was listening to Dr. Laura Slezenger one day and the lady caller phoned in to explain how she had a new baby and was sad at having to go back to work to help pay for their house.
Dr. Laura asked, “how big is your house”?
“1200 ft.²”
Dr. Laura responded, “how many people live in your household”?
Dr. Laura: “OK even if you lie down and spin around, each of you would only take up 200 ft.² so sell your house and move into something smaller and stay home with your kids”.
This is one of my favourite stories that I tell to clients looking for a new home. Just because you COULD afford to buy a big house doesn’t mean you SHOULD. Just buy what you need. Have more money in your pocket for other goals. Like saving to get an investment or vacation home that you can Airbnb to generate extra income. Don’t fall into the trap of having to keep up with the Joneses.
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Bryce/Penny Kander
Realty Executives Alberta Elite
The Zombie Apocalypse is real!
Compliments of our cell phones!
I attended a virtual seminar on using your mind and energy to its full capacity.
He said, “only 1% to 10% of the time are we in our conscious mind”!
That is the part of our mind which creates our future and creates our reality. The rest of the time we are on, what he called, “auto pilot”.
I was pondering this, and I thought about all the people that wander around looking at their phones. They look like zombies going through the motions of life but not really being present.
So maybe its time to put down your phone and start mindfully creating your future! That future may involve moving forward with an investment, purchasing a property, planning a holiday, whatever you dream of...
Use your time for productivity rather than just being a phone or tv zombie. This one change will catapult you ahead faster than you can imagine, even if you just did that for 20% of your day instead of 1 to 10%.
Free real estate investment education at
Bryce/Penny Kander
Realty Executives Alberta Elite
DON’T Let Your COUCH decide where you live!
People often phone and wonder how big the rooms are in homes where they may want to move. They are trying to find a new box to fit their old life rather than creating a new life to fit their new box.
Find the perfect place to live and then you can always change or redistribute your furniture to make your new life even better and maybe less cluttered as well.
Don’t let the weight of things you own keep you from the life you want to live!
Free real estate investment education at
Bryce/Penny Kander
Realty Executives Alberta Elite
A lot of people believe that the price of purchasing a home (the monthly payment anyway) has gone up since 1979.
I found this advertisement from the very first house I ever had listed back in 1979! You can see here that the prices for a lakefront property in Gull Lake were around $200,000. At that time, the interest rates were 10% and they went up from there to 21% at one point.
If you figure that now you can probably buy the same place for $800,000 or 900,000, the cost per month is exactly the same.
So it’s still not too late to buy a lakefront home or just a home in general.
Don’t just look at the price; look at the cost!
#StillCostsThe Same
Free real estate investment education at
Bryce/Penny Kander
Realty Executives Alberta Elite
Things are selling!
“Why”, you ask.
I think people are getting used to the reality that the prices are down and things are more affordable. For some, they have seen that though they may lose a certain percentage on their current home, they gain a larger percentage on the home they wish to buy.
It also seems the banks are a bit more willing to lend money these days.
There are a lot of people looking and we are seeing homes sell in a shorter period of time and we’ve even seen multiple offers on properties that are very well priced.
I think its definitely a good time to buy and can also be a good time to sell.
Whatever your situation we would love to sit down with you and do some brainstorming and see if we can make your dreams a reality!
Give us a call, we’d be thrilled to help!!
Free real estate investment education at
Bryce/Penny Kander
Realty Executives Alberta Elite
It’s interesting, I was sitting in a waiting room the other day and people were talking about when they think the price of real estate is going to go back up.
I said, “well you can only lose money if you sell”.
The great thing is that people will still pay rent. Bryce brought in over $10,000 rent in just one month!
If you keep the house long enough, the mortgage disappears and then that $10,000 is your cash flow every month and all that comes out of that is taxes, a bit of maintenance, and insurance.
Don’t worry about what the market is doing. Keep your head down; focus on the long-term. Remind yourself that someday, in the near future, it will be paid off and you will still be receiving rent.
ALSO...This means that you can buy a house, and even though the value may still decrease a bit it doesn’t matter because the same principle applies.
Free real estate investment education at
Bryce/Penny Kander
Realty Executives Alberta Elite