Compliments of our cell phones!
I attended a virtual seminar on using your mind and energy to its full capacity.
He said, “only 1% to 10% of the time are we in our conscious mind”!
That is the part of our mind which creates our future and creates our reality. The rest of the time we are on, what he called, “auto pilot”.
I was pondering this, and I thought about all the people that wander around looking at their phones. They look like zombies going through the motions of life but not really being present.
So maybe its time to put down your phone and start mindfully creating your future! That future may involve moving forward with an investment, purchasing a property, planning a holiday, whatever you dream of...
Use your time for productivity rather than just being a phone or tv zombie. This one change will catapult you ahead faster than you can imagine, even if you just did that for 20% of your day instead of 1 to 10%.
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