Monday 20 August 2018

Divorce, don't give away your equity!

Unfortunately in my job we see a lot of situations of divorce or separation. I normally sit down and discuss the option of one of the parties buying out the other person. That way they save the real estate fees and they don't have to pay extra lawyers fees, payout penalties etc. This makes the division of assets much simpler and more affordable for the person buying it and the person selling it will get their money much sooner. Deciding about the home or waiting for it to sell adds stress to an already difficult situation as often both parties are living in the house and they don't wish to be there but they feel stuck because their equity and buying power is tied up in the home. This solution can save a lot of stress, time, and money. So if you know anybody in that situation we would be happy to sit down with them and explain the process and the benefits and introduce them to mortgage brokers that understand and can get this done quickly.

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