Tuesday 24 July 2018

The 80/20 rule is as real as the law of Gravity.

The 80/20 rule is as real as the law of Gravity.
In Richard Koch's book, "The 80/20 Principle", he speaks of the origin of this thought. In the 19th century, Pareto had written a mathematical model for income distribution in Italy that stated that 80% of the land was owned by 20% of the people. Wealth was not evenly distributed. In fact, according to Pareto, it was actually concentrated in a highly predictable way.
In his groundbreaking book "Quality Control Handbook", Juran (who had studied Pareto's equation), coined the phrase "VITAL FEW AND TRIVIAL MANY."
I was thinking about this, and I suspect that most people agree that 20% of sales people make 80% of the money. (I actually believe it is 90/10). The reason for this is that concentrated effort creates almost all the reward. These 20% of realtors or sales people are totally focussed on their job. They do them extremely well and have acquired the skills to do them masterfully, therefore creating larger rewards for their clients. That translates into more income because of their focussed efforts.

In our business, Bryce and I are extremely focussed on our clients. We have trained extensively to learn how to net people the most money and achieve the quickest sale with the fewest problems possible; which is what everyone wants.
Give us a call and we will explain our unique marketing plan.

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